“National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” is a comedy film directed by Jeremiah S. Chechik. It’s the third installment in the National Lampoon’s Vacation film series. The movie follows the Griswold family, led by Clark Griswold, as they attempt to have a perfect, old-fashioned Christmas. However, things quickly spiral into chaos as various comedic and unexpected events occur.
Chevy Chase plays the role of Clark Griswold, the well-intentioned but often hapless father. Beverly D’Angelo plays Ellen Griswold, his wife, and the film features memorable performances by Randy Quaid as Cousin Eddie. The movie is known for its slapstick humor, outrageous holiday decorations, and the challenges faced by the Griswold family as they try to celebrate Christmas together.
“Are you serious, Clark?” is one of the memorable lines from the film, and it’s often quoted by fans. The line is delivered by Cousin Eddie in a deadpan manner during one of the film’s comedic scenes.
FANTASTIC! These are a huge help!
Loved the design. My project turned out perfect! Thank you!
Just what I wanted for my christmas shadow box.
Love the design for shirts!
FANTASTIC! These are a huge help!