“Jingle All the Way” is a Christmas comedy film that was released in 1996. Directed by Brian Levant, the movie stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sinbad. The story revolves around a father, played by Schwarzenegger, who is desperately trying to find a popular action figure, Turbo Man, for his son as a Christmas present.
Here are some key points about “Jingle All the Way”:
Plot: The film is a satirical look at the commercialization of Christmas and the lengths to which parents will go to fulfill their children’s holiday wishes. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character, Howard Langston, is a workaholic who realizes on Christmas Eve that he forgot to buy the coveted Turbo Man action figure for his son. This sets off a series of comedic misadventures as he competes with other parents, including Sinbad’s character, in a frantic quest to find the elusive toy.
These worked out great on my project.
Just what I wanted for my christmas shadow box.
Easy to download, thank you!
Loved the design. My project turned out perfect! Thank you!
Easy to download, the SVG I used looked great on the card box.